Family Recovery Program
The Kathleen Blatz Family Recovery Program offers support and an alternative to families involved in abuse, neglect and dependency cases where identified parental substance addiction is a primary factor. The goal is to provide necessary support and services to assist participants in becoming and remaining chemically free. “Recovery Specialists” offer support to bridge the gap between services in an effort to increase families’ strengths as well as maintain health and sobriety. Created out of the Itasca County Children’s Justice Initiative, CJI, whose shared mission with the Recovery Program, is to ensure that in a fair and timely manner, abused and neglected children involved in the juvenile protection system, have safe, stable, permanent families. In addition to the Kathleen Blatz Family Recovery Program, Ross Resources provides a Juvenile Recovery Program for adolescents along with a Prenatal Recovery Program for expecting parents. Please call for more information.
The Recovery Specialist supports participants on their pathway to recovery. Recovery Specialists serve as a liaison between the client, child protection case manager, treatment case manager and probation officer if appropriate. There is a unique blend of mentoring and monitoring. The goal of the program is to increase collaboration between agencies and the participants; encourage compliance with recommendations and court-ordered conditions including random observed drug testing; and to assist Child Protection Case Managers to pursue reasonable and active efforts to increase compliance as it pertains to family reunification timelines.
For questions regarding the Kathleen Blatz Family Recovery Program, please contact Program Director
Heather Lovdahl at (218) 328-6434 or click here to email.
Family Recovery Program
The Kathleen Blatz Family Recovery Program offers support and an alternative to families involved in abuse, neglect and dependency cases where identified parental substance addiction is a primary factor. The goal is to provide necessary support and services to assist participants in becoming and remaining chemically free. “Recovery Specialists” offer support to bridge the gap between services in an effort to increase families’ strengths as well as maintain health and sobriety. Created out of the Itasca County Children’s Justice Initiative, CJI, whose shared mission with the Recovery Program, is to ensure that in a fair and timely manner, abused and neglected children involved in the juvenile protection system, have safe, stable, permanent families. In addition to the Kathleen Blatz Family Recovery Program, Ross Resources provides a Juvenile Recovery Program for adolescents along with a Prenatal Recovery Program for expecting parents. Please call for more information.
The Recovery Specialist supports participants on their pathway to recovery. Recovery Specialists serve as a liaison between the client, child protection case manager, treatment case manager and probation officer if appropriate. There is a unique blend of mentoring and monitoring. The goal of the program is to increase collaboration between agencies and the participants; encourage compliance with recommendations and court-ordered conditions including random observed drug testing; and to assist Child Protection Case Managers to pursue reasonable and active efforts to increase compliance as it pertains to family reunification timelines.
For questions regarding the Kathleen Blatz Family Recovery Program, please contact Program Director
Heather Lovdahl at (218) 328-6434 or click here to email.